Protection solutions for vehicle parking lots and goods yards

A perfect mix of advanced technologies
The leading-edge intrusion detection solutions developed by TSec have significantly raised the level of security in the protection of outdoor areas where vehicles are parks and goods are stored as well as fences surrounding them.
The anti-masking technology used in our devices makes them reliable and extremely secure. TSec sensors are made to resist bypass attempts by intruders even if the attack occurs from within the protected perimeter (i.e. insider attack).
With the right mix of design solutions, an alarm system can be installed that allows users to be protected even during working hours, with no motion restrictions.
Ideal products for storage areas and vehicles
The MSK-101 radar is perfect for protecting parking lots and storage areas as it detects any intruder and effectively discriminates between a real threat and small animals.
By installing the MACS anti-climbing system on fences, protection against unwanted intruders is kept active along the entire perimeter of the property 24 hours a day, thus protecting vehicles and materials inside the yards even during working hours when activities are in progress.
Products for outdoor perimeter protection